赵博 (Bo Zhao)




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Bo Zhao is now pursuing his PhD in School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He respectively received his bachelor’s degree in Information Security from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in 2020, and his master’s degree in Cyberspace Security from NUAA in 2023. His current research interests are mainly focused on the field of trustworthy federated learning, especially its robustness and fairness.

Research Experiences



(* marks the corresponding author, Italics marks the supervisor)

  1. Bo Zhao, Peng Sun*, et al., FedInv: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning by Inversing Local Model Updates, AAAI 2022. (CCF-A, main track oral, accept rate=5%) [PDF] [Webcite] [Presentation]
  2. Bo Zhao, Tao Wang, et al., FedCom: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning Using Data Commitment, IEEE ICC 2023. (CCF-C)
  3. Bo Zhao, Liming Fang*, et al., Y-DWMS: A digital watermark management system based on smart contracts, Sensors, 2019. (SCI, IF=3.576) [PDF]
  4. Liming Fang, Bo Zhao, et al., Countermeasure based on smart contracts and AI against DoS/DDoS attack in 5G circumstances, IEEE Network, 2020. (SCI, IF=10.693) [PDF]
  5. Tao Wang, Bo Zhao, et al., FLForest: Byzantine-robust Federated Learning through Isolated Forest, ICPADS, 2022. (CCF-C)


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Education Background


Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Bachelor's degree in Information Security


Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Master's degree in Cyberspace Security


Nanyang Technological University

Persuing PhD in School of Computer Science and Engineering
